Friday, July 20, 2012

Denise's First Post

The Power to Prosper by Michelle Singletary

Bob says he doesn’t understand how I can enjoy balancing the bank statement, doing our income taxes, etc. I just have an interest in personal finance, I guess. When I saw this book on the Amazon daily deals, it caught my eye. I downloaded a sample on my Kindle and quickly decided I would purchase it. 

This book is not for the faint of heart. The key feature of the book is a 21-day financial fast. Basically you commit to only spending what’s NECESSARY during that 21-day period. And you can’t use credit cards or debit cards. No eating out, not even if someone else offers to pay. No vending machines. You can’t pay for entertainment. You use CASH to buy what you NEED. Bob was not at all happy when I asked him to do this with me, but he reluctantly and grudgingly agreed to do it. I was excited about the challenge – this will be fun, I thought. As long as I have enough chocolate to get through the 21 days! So I did a quick inventory and decided that, yes, I can make it! 

There’s a lesson and an assignment each day of the fast. Throughout the fast, you keep a journal and I’m sure that neither of ours would qualify for pleasure reading. We just finished Day 13 – just 8 days to go! We’ve had lots of laughs (at the other’s expense) and I know this last week is going to be the hardest. But we’ve learned so much. This is a great little book that will help you learn to manage your personal finances. Are you up to the challenge?


  1. I'm so excited to see a post from you, Denise! Wow, that challenge sounds tough, I'm glad you talked Bob into doing it with you, and glad you made sure you had enough chocolate to get you through! You will have to share some of your journal entries with us sometime! The book sounds interesting to me too, I sure need help with my own personal finances, would love to read it.

  2. So glad you posted Denise! Gamama asked me what I was laughing so hard about when we were on the phone last night and I told her it was about this challenge! She laughed so hard when I told her about the Sprite! I'll check on ya'll in a couple of days to make sure ya'll are both alive and well. What else are ya'll reading? I know Bob read Calico Joe but did you ever finish it?

  3. Lauren, I love the way you are always rooting for your parents!
